

Court Delays New Fiduciary Rule & PTE 84-24, But Not PTE 2020-02

A federal court in Texas has granted plaintiffs’ request to delay the effective date of the DOL’s new fiduciary rule that would have assigned ERISA fiduciary status to more investment professionals, including insurance agents. The DOL’s new definition of fiduciary will not become effective September...

How and When to Comply with the DOL’s New Fiduciary Rule

Right now, investment professionals are deemed to be an ERISA fiduciary if their actions meet all factors of the 1975 Five-Part Test, which include providing advice to a retirement investor on a regular basis.1 But soon, the Department of Labor’s (DOL) new definition of “fiduciary” for nondiscretion...

Retired Baby Boomer Survey Results

A TALE OF TWO REALITIES: MOST RETIRED BABY BOOMERS FEEL FINANCIALLY SECUREAND FULFILLED DESPITE HEAVY RELIANCE ON SOCIAL SECURITY, NEW SURVEY REVEALS Financial Security to Retired Boomers May Be Different than to Other Generations Healthcare Costs, Inflation Cited as Major Challenges to Accumulation...

What is Not Fiduciary Advice Under the DOL’s New Rule?

The Department of Labor’s (DOL) new definition of fiduciary investment advice for retirement investors becomes effective September 23, 2024. Under the new rule, more brokers, advisors, and insurance agents will be held to an ERISA fiduciary standard when providing individualized recommendations to r...

DOL Finalizes New Fiduciary Rule

Financial professionals working with retirement savers will be subject to a new rule that goes into effect on September 23, 2024. The Department of Labor (DOL) has updated the rule under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code that defines when a person is a fiduciary for providing nondiscretionary advi...

IRALOGIX Announces CEO Transition

Dave Bernard steps down; board appoints Peter de Silva to lead company into its next growth phase IRALOGIX, a leading retirement industry fintech provider, today announced that Dave Bernard stepped down as chief executive officer effective immediately. The board has appointed Peter de Silva as the n...